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 Marci Horton

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Fall Leaves

Currently Available


Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind

Available now on

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Dandelion Parachute Seed

Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind

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Forest Stream

Take my hand

Take my hand, I will lead you to the sunlight

where we can dance in the warm rays until

our feet ache and our bellies hurt from laughter.

Take my hand, I will lead you to the field where the

poppies grow,

golden hues set in a sea of tall green grass,

we can sit and watch the gentle breeze sway.

Take my hand, I will lead you to the riverbank

where we can lay on our backs and count the stars,

shinning above our heads in a shinning mess of chaos.

Take my hand, I will lead you to the old redwood 


mighty giants overhead, branches bent inward

protecting us from the world outside.

Take my hand, I will lead you out of the darkness,

where we can sit side by side in silence,

showing you that you never have to be alone.

Marci Horton


My name is Marci Horton

I am a bibliophile at heart and an emerging new author. I am a mama bear at my core and enjoy spending as much as time as humanly possible lost in the woods with my family. Poetry is my first love and I have just recently published my first anthology, with more soon to follow.

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Winding Roads
Dandelion Meadow
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Dandelion Fields

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