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  • Writer's picturemarcidhorton

Throwaway girl-Update!

I have finally completed my memoir and now I am on to the next step of my journey! It has taken me the last two years to finish this project as sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of my creative process. This has been a long journey and a painful one emotionally, but I feel so accomplished, and dare I say it, proud of myself. It was no easy feat, walking through the painful memories of my journey and digging up the ghost of the past. While challenging, it has also been extremely cathartic and my hope is that it touches at least one person, making them feel less alone. Keep watching and checking back for updates as I will post them here as well as on my Facebook and Instagram accounts. Hopefully, I will have the editing done before the end of the year so I can try and get it out in print and digitally as soon as possible. Thank you for the continued support, thank you for believing in me!

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