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  • Writer's picturemarcidhorton

Say Hello to my little Honeybun

Good morning, happy Friday!

This morning as I sipped my cup of coffee and let the warm elixir, nectar from the Gods if you will, warm my soul I watched my dog sleep next to me. He was perched beside me completely unaware that I was gawking at him adoringly. His little ears perked in curiosity at any noise around him as he heavily exhaled through his tiny little nose, making the softest whistling sound each time that he did.

The longer I gazed at him the more my heart and soul filled with a soft warm glow. Sometimes, I cannot process how much I love this tiny furry little freeloader. I would be lost without him; I would be desolate and deplorable. He makes my life so much brighter simply by existing. He brings me a peace that I do not find elsewhere, and he never asks for anything in return. He just wants me to love him. He doesn't care what I look like or what mood I am in. He doesn't judge me when I rewatch the same ridiculous movie or reread the same book over and over.

As he sits now at my feet, happy and content he watches me adoringly. His love and trust for me is evident in his eyes and in every breath he takes. I say it nearly daily, and it means more each and every time. Human's do not deserve dogs. I could live a hundred lifetimes and would still never be as pure and loving as this little ball of fur is. So, the next time someone says that he is just a dog I may have to run them over with a shopping cart.

His name is Sprocket, and he is my little honey bunner, my Doddle dog and my ride or die. He would like to wish everyone a safe and happy weekend!

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