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  • Writer's picturemarcidhorton

Working on two different projects

Hello everyone!

I have been busy as a little worker bee recovering from surgery and writing my butt off. I am trying to finish the first draft of my memoir and am always writing poetry in between. Daddy is inspired by my own father, who left me when I was a toddler only to resurface for a brief moment when I was in my late teens. His presence in my life was as constant as the weather, coming and going but only on his terms.

By my late thirties I had given up hope that he could care for anything more than himself and I stopped reaching out to him, which effectively ended any communication between us. I figured it was ok for him to treat me that way if I allowed it, but I would never be ok with him treating my children that way.

I stumbled upon his obituary later in my early forties and could not feel anything for him. It was as if a stranger had died and not my father. Technically, he was a virtual stranger and I had made my peace with it years ago. But as a young girl I used to get lost in fantasies of him coming back and saving me, showing me what it meant to be a father. This poem is for all the little girls and boys lost in the shuffle and abandoned by those who should care for them the most.

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