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  • Writer's picturemarcidhorton

I think I might be melting.

Ok, seriously, I am considering moving to Alaska. Somewhere, anywhere really, where the mercury does not climb over say 75 degrees. I am melting and cannot tell you how much I hate this heat. I will not be leaving my house this weekend, or this summer. I am protesting the sheer insanity of the sweltering nastiness that has invaded my quiet little town. I am a hot, sticky mess and was not built to tolerate these horrible conditions.

Am I being overdramatic? Well, yes, I certainly am but I really do hate the heat. I would never make it in the south, I would burst into flames upon leaving my house. I have a ridiculous amount of respect for all of my friends living in the truly hot states. My hat goes off to you, I salute you my burning brothers and sisters!

On a more positive note, I would like to thank everyone this week for the incredible support. To say I am humbled by each of you is truly an understatement. From friends and family to my favorite English teacher from middle school, and on to people I have yet to meet, the support I have received has been astounding. I want to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart.

If you have yet to check it out, please head on over to and take a peek at my newly published poetry anthology titled Scribblings of a Chaotic Mind. I will post the link below. Have an amazing weekend and enjoy the journey!


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